The Follower City Training Mission focuses on supporting the Triangulum Follower Cities to replicate solutions from the Lighthouse Cities. The three Follower Cities (FC) Leipzig, Prague and Sabadell have been closely accompanied by the replication team of the project by conducting a comprehensive and tailored training programme during the year 2017. The aim of the different activities is to help the FCs write their implementation strategies. With these strategies , the FCs outline their concrete plans to replicate smart city solutions, providing details such as the area for implementation, technologies to be implemented, costs and funding, reference to the Lighthouse Cities (LHC), etc.The Training mission includes three different vehicles:
1.Follower City Days in the three Triangulum Lighthouse Cities
The Follower City Days took place in Stavanger (08.-09.05.17), Eindhoven (19.-20.06.17) and Manchester (03.-04.07.17). During these on-site visits, the FCs got the opportunity to gain knowledge from the LHCs and their local partners related to the implementation of specific use cases and the local ecosystem.
A total of seven workshops took place during 2017. The first four workshops addressed all FCs on the following topics and were also supported by partners from the LHCs:
- Implementation Strategies
- Smart Grids, Energy Storage and Renewable Energies
- Intelligent and connected public space and
- Open Data and eGovernance.
Currently, workshops are being held in each follower city to address the challenges with the local stakeholders and concretise their ideas for the implementation strategy.
Within the Training Mission, webinars were an additional measure to transfer valuable knowledge among cities. During the course of seven webinars with a duration of two hours each, partners from several cities came together for an exchange of information, experience and discussions.
Seven webinars have been carried out in 2017:
- Smart City Policies and Governance
- ICT Reference Architecture
- Smart Business Services and Innovation Management
- Innovation Procurement
- Citizen Engagement, Development of Living Labs
- Financing the Smart City
- Smart and Electric Mobility
The webinars are freely available and can be accessed through the following link:
As outcomes of these activities, the three Follower Cities are developing their individual Smart City Implementation Strategies. The Implementation Strategies address activities in the sectors energy, ICT and mobility in an integrated way and do also include measures for citizen engagement. The implementation of the planned measures is envisaged to start in 2018. Throughout Triangulum, Follower Cities will have the possibility to spend 50,000 € each on technology development and the preparation of their smart city implementation strategies.
Prague aims at improving the quality of life of its seniors within its pilot project, inspired by the Triangulum Lighthouse City Stavanger. The main question of this project is: “How can smart technology and cross-sectoral cooperation enhance the home care services that the city is currently providing?”.
Leipzig is developing a city wide data platform which connects the municipality with the utilities. This pilot project profits substantially from the input provided by the City of Eindhoven on their Open Data platform.
An open source digital platform for municipal data integration has been implemented in Sabadell, connected with real-time data from sensors and meters from several municipal services. The platform will collect and merge data from sensors or other hardware devices, in relation to several municipal services that are currently “isolated”.
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Pictures: Fraunhofer IAO