

Radio Interview with Ettore Murabito about Manchester-I Website

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Earlier this year, Ettore Murabito from the University of Manchester was contacted by Reina Yaidoo via the Triangulum Project’s

Reina Yaidoo is the host of Sanguine, a show broadcast by the local radio station North Manchester FM. Sanguine focuses on science, technology as well as social and health related issues of today’s life in the city of Manchester.

Manchester is home to a number of smart-city projects (some supported by the EU, like Triangulum) that are reshaping the way people live. Reina had come across Triangulum’s website and became interested in the notion of establishing a city-scale data curation service, the rationale of such an initiative and its implications on the many aspects of urban development and citizens’ life.

An interview was arranged that was aired on 9 May, in which Ettore was given the opportunity to talk about the work on the Manchester-I website and explain its context, providing information about some of the smart-city projects currently running in Manchester, including Triangulum and CityVerve.

Listen to the interview yourself and hear Ettore talking about Triangulum’s Manchester-I website, how he became involved with the project and how Triangulum and similar smart city projects can have an impact on open data usage, inclusiveness & citizen engagement and city living.

(Picture: )