Prague’s main outcome is its Follower City Implementation Strategy, which comprises a collection of measures that were identified and developed during the Triangulum project. The measures are predominantly focusing on the development of the Smart Home Care pilot project in the district of Prague 7, but also includes a city-wide measure of a 3D-model and a cookbook about the culture of cooperation in the smart city development as such.
Outcomes of the Prague Implementation Strategy
Part 1
Smart Home Care Pilot Project
The Prague 7 Smart Home Care pilot project aims to increase the quality, availability and efficiency of services offered to senior citizens in their home environment using innovative technology. The following measures (that were defined as part of a participatory process with local stakeholders) focus on complex solutions in assistive technologies, ICT, energy efficiency and e-mobility.
- System for support of integrated care
The system will consist of an integrated data platform, the digitization of the care center and the implementation of the case management: a collaborative process of assessment, planning, facilitation and care coordination. For this, a series of educational workshops took place in 2019. Next steps are currently being planned with the city hall and smart city organizations.
- Service portal for senior citizens
It is planned to create an informative website which can serve as a marketplace of services for seniors and their peers. As a first step, the existing webpage of Prague 7 is currently extended with additional information.
- Smart homes for seniors
There has been pilot testing of the Blink video communication device developed by the Stavanger partner LYSE AS, together with local service providers for seniors in Prague. The test lasted from 14.08.2019 – 31.12.2019. Its aim was to promote the benefits of smartification of households and to test its use in the Czech context.
- E- mobility for services and seniors
At the end of 2019, the care center purchased an e-car to transport staff and lunch to clients. The purchase of a second e-car is planned for 2020.
- Mobility for senior citizens
Prague 7 has the aim to design its public space in a more age-friendly manner and to improve the accessibility of the most frequented destinations of the journeys of senior citizens in Prague 7. After a mapping of barriers in the public space with the help of elderly citizens, measures such as new benches will be implemented in Prague 7.
- Showroom of medical & compensatory aids for citizens
An educational showroom will provide instructional videos and information material to explain the use and to eliminate misconceptions about the available technologies of medical and compensatory aids and its potential benefits. It will be opened in January 2020.
Part 2
Update of Prague‘s 3D Model
The new system has been implemented and a web presentation of the city model has been launched.
Cookbook / Interactive Exhibition of Culture of Cooperation
The cookbook presents the eight main principles leading to a constructive mindset and open approach which have been identified as the decisive factors for a successful initiation and effective management of smart urban development projects. These principles were identified during on-site visits in the three Lighthouse Cities of Triangulum:
- Benefit = failure,
- Participatory design,
- Inter-sectoral collaboration,
- Pilot projects,
- Communication,
- Adaptability
- Strategy
- Organization
The cookbook is supposed to convey the experience and the dynamics of successful civil servants and teams from the partner cities of Triangulum. The goal is to cultivate cooperation, a positive approach and a culture of openness and communication.
The cookbook will be available online and offline. The online version will be an interactive web page, informing about the interactive installation and explaining the eight principles as an outcome of the Triangulum project (; CZ only). The offline version is an interactive installation URBANIA which will be accessible for one month (16.01. – 15.02.2020). Here, visitors can learn about and experience the different principles, which will be communicated in a visualized, interactive and storytelling way.
In addition to this catalog of measures, which partly have already been implemented, further outcomes of Prague as a Follower City of Triangulum are:
- the successful set up of a local consortium together with a city district and university, which were collaborating to create new valuable and suitable projects,
- knowledge sharing of Triangulum partners and learning from the Lighthouse and also other Follower Cities projects, but also the culture of the work, preconditions and success factors during local workshops in Prague and on-site visits in the Lighthouse Cities,
- bringing local key actors and the Triangulum team from Prague to observe projects onsite and these implementations were strong demonstratives and encouraging factors,
- the possibility to learn more about detailed and practical aspects by engaging directly with partners of similar fields from other cities,
- a network of experts in various fields, which enables a valuable follow up on the Triangulum activities,
- successful involvement of local non-Triangulum partners.