

Webinar “The Wider Impacts of Triangulum”

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Mark your calendars for our final Triangulum webinar on the wider impacts of the project.

When: 28 January at 10 AM (CET)


  • James Evans (University of Manchester)
  • Kelly Watson (University of Manchester)
  • Dujuan Yang (Technical University of Eindhoven)
  • Joe Lake Rees (University of Manchester)


The webinar will cover:

  • brief overview of Triangulum, provide insights from its final year in terms of key lessons learned, leveraged value and other benefits, replication potential, etc.,
  • the monitoring and assessment framework and results from the final year,
  • an overview of our experience with SCIS, including challenges of integrating this into a live project.

Each presentation will be approx. 15 minutes in length. We will then take questions and encourage more of a discussion.

Link (no registration needed!)

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Questions? Please get in touch with Bettina Remmele:

Invitation to Follower City Prague Panel Discussion

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A city is not just concrete, steel and greenery. Its development and quality of life are influenced by an endless series of so-called soft factors such as the culture of work, relationships between people in the workplace and many others. In the Panel Discussion that takes place as part of the accompanying program to the ongoing Urbania exhibition, we will look at our approach and thinking in this context.

The opening speech will be given by James Evans by the University of Manchester (Triangulum), focusing on social geography and quantification of the soft factors of urban development.

The Panelists will be social psychologist Tomáš Vácha from the Czech Technical University, lecturer Ivona Kolínská from Mission Hero and Trinidad Fernandez from Fraunhofer IAO, project coordinator of Triangulum and deputy coordinator of the Morgenstadt Global Smart Cities Initiative.

Date: 22.01.2020 from 7:00 – 9:00 pm

Location: Centre for Architecture and Metropolitan Planning in Prague (Vyšehradská 51, Praha 2)

Language: English – a translation service won’t be provided

free of charge

Summary: Webinar about Citizen Engagement

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On 12 December 2019 at 2 PM (CET), Triangulum hosted a joint webinar together with the Smart Cities and Communities project +CityXChange on the topic of “Citizen Engagement in Positive Energy Districts”.

Speakers and topics were:

  • May Endresen (Greater Stavanger): “How to make invisible projects visible for the citizens.  The Stavanger Triangulum story”
  • Marieke van den Weijngaard (Woonbedrijf, Eindhoven): “Tenants in Charge. Organising it digital”
  • Guest speaker from +CityXChange: Kieran Reeve (Limerick City and County Council), “Public Engagement: Do we really engage?”

The webinar was a great success, informing more than 30 participants from all across Europe and from several sister SCC1 projects about experiences from citizen engagement in the different Lighthouse Cities.

A recording of the webinar can be found at our webinar section  as well as at our Youtube Channel.

Triangulum at Women4Energy

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“The Power of Tomorrow: New Solutions With and For Citizens” – 7th International Women4Energy Conference

On 6th of December 2019, the 7th Women4Energy Conference will take place in the Haus der Wirtschaft in Stuttgart, Germany.

Two Triangulum representatives will be speaking at the conference this year. Our Project Coordinator Trinidad Fernandez of Fraunhofer IAO will be speaking about “Best practices on energy to inspire future urban transformation (Triangulum Project)” and Marieke van den Wijngaard of Woonbedrijf will be speaking about “Tenants in Charge: Organise it Digital”.

Annually, the International Women4Energy Conference gives women, who are active in the energy sector, insights on global energy challenges and information about future trends as well as market needs. The participants are gathering on this occasion to expand their network by getting in touch with female experts in science and entrepreneurship in all energy-related fields.

This year, the conference focuses on new solutions for citizen engagement and for prosumers in the fields of Energy, New Power Management and Optimisation, and New Mobility and Logistics in Energy. The conference will feature interesting speakers and insights on energy-related trends and best practices in citizen engagement, power generation and consumption, and mobility and logistics. The morning will offer keynotes, a panel and pitches held by the speakers. In the afternoon, the speakers and participants will meet in three parallel workshops to discuss and build new energy solutions for the above mentioned topics.


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Triangulum at SCEWC 2019

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24.399 visitors
1.010 exhibitors
400+ speakers
700+ cities
146 countries
90+ side events
That’s Barcelona Smart City Expo World Congress as we know it!

From 19-21 November, Triangulum participated in this year’s Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona, Spain. We were there together with the Smart City initiatives European Innovation Partnership on Smart Cities and Communities (EIP-SCC) and Smart Cities Information System (SCIS) as well as the other now 16 Horizon 2020 European Smart Cities and Communities Lighthouse projects.

At our joint Smart Cities and Communities stand, overall 14 engaging presentations were given. As one of the first three ending projects, Triangulum of course had a lot to tell! So we particiapted in two workshop sessions at the stand to talk about our experiences from five years of Triangulum: Gerd Seehuus, City Coordinator of Stavanger from Stavanger Kommune spoke as part of “Nordic Lighthouse Cities – Smart, bold and collaborative”.

Gerd Seehuus speaking at SCEWC 2019 (Credits: Triangulum)

Joe Rees from University of Manchester, one of our monitoring and evaluation experts, Sonja Stöffler from University of Stuttgart and replication expert at Triangulum, Gerd Seehuus from Stavanger Kommune, Oriol Llevot, City Coordinator of our Follower City Sabadell and of course, our Project Coordinator Trinidad Fernandez of Fraunhofer IAO discussed “Impacts beyond the projects”.

“Impacts beyond the projects” (Credits: Triangulum)

Further highlights at the stand were the presentation “A Mission to Deliver the Cities of the Future” organised by EIP-SCC, with Emmanuel Forest (Executive Vice-President European and Institutional Affairs, Bouygues Group & Mission Board member), Albert Engels (Project Coordinator of RUGGEDISED), Graham Colclough (Chair of the EIP-SCC Action Cluster on Integrated Infrastructures & part of SharingCities) and moderated by Georg Houben (EC, DG Energy, Smart Cities & Communities). Key findings were a better understanding of the EC’s mission concept with its aim to make Europe the first climate neutral continent by tackling the challenge in the urban context. The current idea is to create 100 climate-neutral Smart Cities by 2030, serving as testbeds and blueprints for at least ten times more cities in the future in order to push Europe to become climate-neutral by 2050.

In addition to the joint European Smart Cities and Communities Lighthouse projects stand, three so-called Agora Sessions were organised in the exhibition space covering various Smart City areas and including valuable input from Triangulum.

The first topic “From Dream to Reality: Impact of Lighthouse Projects on Cities” covered Triangulum, together with the other two soon-to-end projects GrowSmarter and REMOURBAN, showcasing the impact that the solutions had on our cities.

Agora Session 1 (Credits: Triangulum)

The second session “The Journey: from Nearly Zero Energy Neighbourhood to Positive Energy Districts” covered the evolution from nZEBs to PEDs, illustrated by project cases from REMOURBAN, mySMARTLife, MAKING-CITY and +CityxChange.

The final Agora Session “Europe 2030: What is next for Smart Cities and Communities? explored the debate on the future of Smart Cities and Communities, showcasing policy aspects as well as concrete results and packaging approach for replication and upscaling.

Triangulum at #SCEWC19

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The Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona is taking place from 19-21 November 2019.

Triangulum will be there as well, together with the SCIS and EIP-SCC teams and all the other Horizon 2020 European Smart City Lighthouse Projects. Meet us all three days at our joint stand in the exhibition hall 1. Come visit the Smart Cities corner and meet us there! Stand B140.

Moreover, Triangulum invites you to their agora session together with REMOURBAN and GrowSmarter on 19.11. at 9.45 AM in the North Agora: “From dream to reality: Impact of lighthouse projects on cities”


Agora Sessions

Tuesday, 19.11., 9.45-10.45 h, Place: North Agora      (–> find Triangulum representatives here!)

“From dream to reality: Impact of lighthouse projects on cities”

The three projects GrowSmarter, Triangulum and REMOURBAN that started as the first three projects in 2014 and are thus ending soon are showcasing the changes and impacts that piloting solutions had on their cities.

Wednesday, 20.11., 15:00-15:45 h, Place: South Agora

“The Journey: from Nearly Zero Energy Neighbourhood to Positive Energy Districts”

The evolution from nZEBs to PEDs, illustrated by project cases from REMOURBAN, mySMARTLife, MAKING-CITY and +CityxChange.

Thursday, 21.11., 10:30-11.15 h, Place: Central Agora   

“Europe 2030: What’s next for Smart Cities and Communities?”

Debate on the future of smart cities and communities, showcasing policy aspects as well as concrete results and packaging approaches for replication and upscaling.

Workshops at the stand

Tuesday, 19.11.

11.00-11:45 Welcome: EIP SCC – The Marketplace

12.00-12.45 SCIS: Live SCIS Self Reporting Tool Helpdesk

13.00-13.45 Smart Public Lighting and IP Services

14.00-14.45 A Mission to Deliver the Cities of the Future

15.00-15.45 EIP SCC – The Marketplace: Action Clusters

16.00-16.45 Nordic Lighthouse Cities – Smart, Bold and Collaborative

Wednesday, 20.11.

10.30-11.00 Replicating Smart Solutions (–> find Triangulum representatives here!)

11.00-11.45 Financing – Let’s Make it Happen

12.00-12:45 Visualising the Smart City

13.00-13.45 Open Urban Data Platforms

14.00-14.45 Spanish Smart Cities

16.00-16.45 Build-up “Open” Eco Systems in Smart City Projects

17.30 – 19.00 Night of EU Smart Cities and Communities

Thursday, 21.11.

10.00-10.30 Scale-up Your SC Solutions through the EU City Facility

12.00-12.45 Impacts Beyond the Projects (–> find Triangulum representatives here!)

14.00-14.45 A Pitch from the Lyon Makers Sessions

14.45 -15.30 SCC1 Projects Stakeholders´Map by MAKING-CITY

Smart city projects share policy recommendations in Brussels

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During the European Week of Regions and Cities, the first three Smart Cities and Communities projects GrowSmarter, Remourban and Triangulum, funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, hosted the session “From dream to reality: sharing experiences from leading European Smart Cities” at which more than 150 participants took part.

The goal of this joint session was to present major outcomes and to share lessons learnt from five years of smart city projects in different European regions, focusing on technical as well as political aspects of creating smart cities. 

“The European smart cities have come a long way since our projects started five years ago and we have gained a lot of experience. Remourban, Triangulum and GrowSmarter have worked through many of the ‘do’s and don’ts’ of smart cities and gained an understanding of how policies can be changed to support the development of smart and sustainable cities and help meet local and European climate goals,” says Gustaf Landahl, Project Coordinator of GrowSmarter.

High level politicians from five of the Lighthouse Cities discussed what is needed on an EU level to facilitate successful replication in the future. The overall consensus of this panel was that European support is needed to help get local initiatives off the ground.

The coordinators of all three projects demonstrated their main achievements in the areas of energy, mobility and ICT. Lisa Enarsson from the City of Stockholm (GrowSmarter), for example, exemplified that it is indeed possible to reduce energy consumption of a residential building from the 1960s by 80 %  by providing new insulation, four-glass windows as well as smart ventilation and waste water systems. Miguel Ángel García Fuentes, Coordinator for Remourban, spoke on mobility and the work done by the City of Nottingham to implement the largest fleet of electric busses in Europe.  Trinidad Fernandez, our Triangulum Coordinator introduced the vision of Eindhoven to become Europe’s and Netherlands’ Brainport and innovation hub, along with an innovative example of ICT-based home renovation.

Detailed insights on the daily work within the cities have been provided by overall six site managers from the various Lighthouse Cities of the three projects. They presented the biggest successes as well as the hardest failures from their individual demonstration sites. Amongst other achievements, Gerd Seehuus from the City of Stavanger (Triangulum) demonstrated the tremendous energy savings having been achieved through the development of a central energy plant based on 100 % renewable energy that now heats (and cools!) three administrative buildings as well as the city’s public swimming pool and could thus already save over 1000 tons of CO2 since its implementation in 2017.

As a major outcome of this joint session by GrowSmarter, Remourban and Triangulum, the three projects collectively produced a policy paper to summarize the experiences and the knowledge gained within these five years of smart city implementations. The set of policy recommendations builds upon combined lessons learned to support other EU cities in their transition towards smart and sustainable cities and communities.


Energising Manchester – A Celebration of the work Triangulum in Manchester

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Manchester has set ambitious Zero Carbon 2038 objectives and recently announced a Climate Emergency. Funded from the EC Horizon 2020 programme, over the past five years the Triangulum project has developed, deployed and tested a suite of projects focused on low energy districts, integrated infrastructures and sustainable urban mobility in Manchester to help the city achieve its low carbon goals.

Manchester City Council, Siemens, University of Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan University and SME partner Pixel Mill Digital have worked together to target a series of impacts: reduced energy consumption of buildings, increased use of renewable energies, increased use of electric vehicles, deployment of intelligent energy management technologies and an ICT data hub. Here’s a snapshot:

– Photovoltaic panels and an electrical energy storage solution managed by a microgrid controller at MMU, using energy from the grid when costs are low or from the battery when high.

– An innovative central controller that works alongside the microgrid controller to form a virtual power plant, sharing power across the Oxford Road Corridor between buildings from Manchester City Council and the University of Manchester.

– A new Building Energy Management System (BEMS) has been installed in the city art gallery. The BEMS manages equipment supporting the internal environmental parameters for the exhibition spaces at the gallery.

– A data hub, Manchester-i, collects data from across the city and the Oxford Road Corridor and makes it openly available. This forms an integral part of the new Manchester Urban Observatory, a new £1m facility using IoT sensors to collect data and test urban infrastructure systems in real-world settings.

– Shared electric vehicles for staff at Manchester Metropolitan University

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When: Tuesday, 10 December 2019 from 13:30 to 16:30 (GMT)

Manchester Art Gallery
Mosley Street Manchester
M2 3JL United Kingdom
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Triangulum project meeting in Follower City Prague

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From 14-16 October 2019, the project partners of Triangulum met in their Follower City Prague, Czech Republic for their 12th Steering Committee meeting, 5th General Assembly and a full day of Follower City workshops.

12th Steering Committee

On 14 October, the leaders of the seven work packages gathered in beautiful Emauzy monastery in the heart of Prague to discuss upcoming deliverable deadlines, important aspects of the final reporting and how to guarantee a worthy representation of the project on the European Commission’s Smart City Information System platform SCIS.

5th General Assembly & Exploitation work

On the second day of this three-day meeting, the General Assembly of Triangulum, inviting all partners from the local consortia, as well as work package leaders and representatives of the three Follower Cities, united to learn more about expected contributions regarding the upcoming reporting and about what’s left to do for the remaining months of the project. Moreover, Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum informed about what has been happening since the last GA with respect to dissemination and communication and about what’s in store for the last few months. In the afternoon, the project partners mingled in different working groups to discuss the exploitation potential of Triangulum and to identify the most promising local outcomes. Moreover, collaboration possibilities with SCIS have been presented and discussed.

Exploitation workshop

In the evening, the Triangulum project partners attended an exhibition nearby. The exhibition at the Center for Architecture and Metropolitan Planning aims to show the future development and transformation of the Rohan Island area. Several large public and private projects are planned or already underway on the 88 hectares of the former Vltava island and adjacent land and will transform the area into a new Prague neighbourhood.

Credits: IPR Prague
Credits: IPR Prague

Triangulum Follower City workshops

On the final day, Triangulum partners met at IPR Prague/ Prague Institute for Planning and Development – the local Triangulum partner – to jointly work on the Follower City Implementation Strategies of Leipzig and Prague. “The partners really had the chance to discuss lessons learnt on project planning and implementation as well as the Lighthouse Cities’ “Do’s and Don’ts” regarding citizen engagement, local communication strategies, political commitment and how to secure the continuation of measures. It was great to have all the different partners gathered here in Prague to brainstorm together, which usually results in the best outcomes”, says Philipp Lämmel from Fraunhofer FOKUS, leader of the replication work package in Triangulum.

Replication workshop Prague
Replication workshop Leipzig

All pictures taken by Steinbeis-Europa-Zentrum